Our Generation Summit 2005

Many people feel that they are just ordinary people and God can not use them to make a difference in this world. That is where they are wrong. They are exactly who God is looking for.

  • Would you like to learn how can you make a difference on your college campus?
  • Would you like to know how a business man can become involved in world missions?
  • Would you like to know how the average church member can have his part in reaching the world?
  • There are many pastors that would like to learn how they can involve their people more in reaching the world and how to motivate their people to become involved in the ministry.
  • There are many missionaries that have a desire to learn how to raise support and how to be an effective missionary.

What better way to answer any of the above questions then come and learn first hand from pastors, missionaries, and business men who have experience in these areas.

Find out more about the Summit...

Our Generation Mini-Conferences

The Our Generation Summit will be held December the 29th through the 31st, 2005 at the Music Road Hotel in Gatlinburg Tennessee. This will be an exciting three days where you can come and learn first hand how you can have a part in reaching the world for Christ. This year for the first time we will be offering 7 mini conferences for everyone in your church. Here are the mini conferences that we will be having this year:

Student Mini-Conference covering:

  • How to have a campus ministry
  • How to disciple others
  • How to make a difference in this world before you are 30

Businessmen Mini-Conference with teaching on:

  • How to Give your Business to God
  • How to serve God through your business

Bridge-Builder Mini-Conference for lay people in the church with sessons on:

  • How to become involved in world evangelism
  • How to make an impact for global missions

Ladies Mini-Conference talking about:

  • How you can be involved in world missions
  • Women who have had an impact on global missions

Pastor's Mini-Conference that will focus on:

  • How to give the members of your church a burden for missions
  • How to form partnerships between your people and missionaries
  • How to motivate your people toward missions
  • How to train your youth to disciple others

Church Staff Mini-Conference about:

  • How to plan an effective missions trip
  • How to create a culture of youth leadership in your church
  • Ideas to reach your community
  • How to organize your youth to reach their schools and universities

Missionary Mini-Conference that will teach on:

  • How to raise your support
  • How to train leaders and disciple others
  • How to adapt to another culture and language
  • How to start Bible Institutes

As you can see there is something for everyone in your church during the 2005 Our Generation Summit.

Find out more about the mini-conferences...


The price of the Summit is $185 for a two person room and $150 for a 4 person room.

You do not want to miss this opportunity to come and learn how you can reach the world with the Gospel. There also will be free time where you can enjoy the sites and attractions of Gatlinburg, Tennessee.

Get more information about prices...


You can register online by clicking here.There will be a $25 discount to anyone who registers before October 15th. Come and join us for a fun filled three days in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. You will not leave the same.








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Our team is planning some mission trips to Ireland, the UK, and other parts of Europe and the world.

The trips will include evangelism and ministry, training in evangelism and missions, as well as tours of the local area.

For more information about the trips, you can click here.




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