Opportunities for Involvement in Europe


The greatest need in Europe is for men to go to plant Bible-believing Baptist churches that will reach their own people and will send out other church-planters around the world. Pray for God to send forth more laborers to the follow major cities in Europe:

  • Moscow, Russia (13,200,000)
  • London, United Kingdom (11,800,000)
  • Paris, France (10,700,000)
  • Essen, Germany (6,000,000)
  • Madrid, Spain (5,000,000)
  • Berlin, Germany (4,150,000)
  • Rome, Italy (3,800,000)
  • Milano, Italy (3,800,000)
  • Kiev, Ukraine (3,350,000)
  • Athens, Greece (3,150,000)
  • Katowice, Poland (2,850,000)
  • Lisbon, Portugal (2,800,000-1 third the pop of Portugal)
  • Brussels, Belgium (2,450,000) Capitol of EU and headquarters of Nato
  • Warsaw, Poland (2,350,000)
  • Bucharest, Romania (2,300,000)
  • Vienna, Austria (2,072,000 — over 25% of the population)
  • Frankfurt, Germany (2,000,000)
  • Koln (Cologne), Germany (1,900,000)
  • Minsk, Belarus (1,862,000)
  • Budapest, Hungary (1,812,000)
  • Stockholm, Sweden (1,650,000)
  • Copenhagen, Denmark (1,326,000)
  • Prague, Czech Republic (1,200,000)
  • Helsinki, Finland (1,175,000)
  • Riga, Latvia (826,508)
  • Oslo, Norway (500,000)
  • Tallinn, Estonia (435,000)
  • Tirana, Albania (275,000)

Media Ministries

The tools of television and radio are tremendous avenues to communicate the gospel to lost people. We need men and women who are knowledgeable in these areas to come start such Christian media ministries across Europe, so that we can reach people with the gospel message and so that we can advertise a good solid Bible-believing church in their area. Of course, there will be great financial costs to having such means of outreach, but we believe that God is able to raise the men and money that will be necessary to reach people effectively and efficiently. Will you pray about helping us in the media ministry?

Graphic Design/Printing

One method of getting into the homes of people is a monthly newsletter with articles that will interest them and help them. Newsletters such as these, as well as tracts, bulletins, flyers, and booklets need to be designed and printed in an attractive, desirable fashion. Though this type of work on the mission field often goes under-estimated and over-looked, we believe good graphic design and printing is a must. If God has gifted you in this area or you have a desire to use your ability in graphic design for God’s glory, please consider coming to Europe.

Web Design

With 25% of the people in Europe using the Internet (191 million out of 739 million), the continent of Europe has a very high percentage of Internet. This is considerably higher than the 9% of people worldwide who use the Internet. Not only do many people have Internet in their homes, there are also Internet cafes for the general public to use to get on the Internet.

With these facts in mind, it becomes very obvious that another very effective means of reaching people with the gospel is through the Internet. Web designers can have a vital role in designing web pages for church planters and missionaries that go to other parts of Europe and the world. The Internet is a great tool that we need to utilize to reach people with the gospel.

University Ministries

There are over 75 universities and 300,000 university students in London alone. Students come from all over the world to train at many of the European universities. We must do everything in our power to reach out to these young people, the vast majority of whom are on their way to Hell. We need men and women who will find some way to reach out to these college and universities campuses. Reaching these young people with the gospel and training them is the key to reaching Europe and the rest of the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.


John 4:35 "...Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest."



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Our team is planning some mission trips to Ireland, the UK, and other parts of Europe and the world.




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