A Privilege to Pay a Price to Serve

2 Samuel 24:42 “And the king said unto Araunah, Nay; but I will surely buy it of thee at a price: neither will I offer burnt offerings unto the Lord my God of that which doeth cost me nothing. So David bought the threshingfloor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver.”

Everything in life and eternity, the believer in Jesus Christ freely receives.  God gave us life.  God gave us His Son as our substitute.  God gives us many blessings every day.   God gives us eternal life, joy unspeakable, everlasting peace, and strength for each day.  God just keeps giving and giving and giving.

David realised how good God had been.  David was taken from watching sheep and make king over Israel.  God had blessed him immensely.  David was not perfect, yet God gave Him forgiveness and righteousness because of his faith.

Now David is going to make a sacrifice to God.  Araunah offers to give David the threshingfloor, oxen, and wood for the sacrifice.  David refused to take the gifts without paying for them.  He did not want to given something that cost him nothing.  He wanted to pay a price for God.

Often the cost of Christianity puts people off serving the Lord.  They do not want to put up with the trials and suffering that a Christian may face, yet paying a price was a privilege for David.  What a different way of looking at things!

Instead of regretting and dreading the price it may cost you to serve the Lord, rejoice that you are “counted worthy to suffer shame for His name!” (Acts 5:41).  Thank God that He lets you pay a price to show your love and appreciate for all He has done.  Look for ways you can pay a price to serve God.  Don’t look for the easy way out; look for how much you can sacrfice for Him not to earn His love but to show your love and gratitude for all God goodness.

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