They Have Done Their Part…

As we travel and go to churches to present our ministry, I am continually amazed at kindness and generosity of God’s people.

  • They put together missions conferences.
  • They give gifts, serve meals, provide lodging, and commit to pray.
  • They take the missionaries on for support.
  • They correspond and pray for the missionaries.
  • They do their part…

…Now, it is time for us to do our part.

After all the meetings, all the travel, all the conferences, all the prayers, and all the kindness, it all comes down to we missionaries doing our part.

It all breaks down if we who are missionaries don’t do our part.  Local churches are investing so much in us.  They are counting on us to do our job.  They need us to go where they cannot go.

I want to challenge myself and my missionary brothers to do our part.   Let us do our part to…

  • Work hard and be disciplined.
  • Learn the language and culture so that we can be effective.
  • Be good stewards of all the resources and finances that we are given.
  • Communicate and share what God is doing.
  • Get the gospel out to as many people as we can and preach the Word.
  • Disciple and train leaders to take the work forward.
  • Plant churches and be strategic in our efforts to reach a country.

They have done their part…now let us do our part.



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About Travis Snode

Travis is a church planting missionary out of Vision Baptist Church with Macedonia World Baptist Missions. He has been preaching the gospel, planting churches, and training men in Ireland and the United Kingdom since 2004.